DIN-Normenausschuss Luft- und Raumfahrt (NL)
Call for Tenders - Space Traffic Management – Part 2 Data exchanges format
The European Commission intends to identify areas for an EU STM legislation and then propose a legislation. This project will analyze stakeholders’ needs, and from this will identify relevant rules of the road, will address the short-term needs to improve the handling of space traffic towards by increasing interoperability by providing concrete coordination standards for adoption, and will bring dedicated pre-standardization studies and proposal for a standard to international fora reinforcing the European position.
Following the acceptance by the European Commission of a proposal from CEN, as prepared by the CEN-CENELEC/JTC 5 Secretariat, funding is available for establishing a team of paid experts to deliver data exchange formats to enable efficient “rules of the road” implementation by covering space surveillance sensor calibration data and maneuver coordination by Q4 2025.
The proposed Project plan is attached. The project plan describes in detail what is expected from the project team, the work plan and milestones and the expertise required for the execution of the task(s).
Applications should be submitted using the attached application form by 2023-10-13.
Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.