• Wahlprüfsteine zur Europawahl 2024 Das sagen die Parteien zur Normung

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  • H2-Frühstück: Technische Regelsetzung meets H2 Online-Veranstaltung am 20.6.2024

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Projekte von NA 043-01-07 AA

ISO/IEC/IEEE AWI 25070 2024-05-12 System- und Software-Engineering - Qualitätsanforderungen und Bewertung von Systemen und Software (SQuaRE) - Konzepte zur Qualitätsentwicklung Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC AWI TS 33062 2024-04-26 Information technology - Process assessment - Process assessment model for quantitative processes to support higher levels of process capability in ISO/IEC 33020 Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE AWI 26517 2024-04-24 Systems and software engineering - Development of user assistance in mobile applications Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE AWI 26516 2024-04-24 Systems and software engineering - Design and development of instructional videos and animations Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE CD 24748-4 2024-03-04 System und Software Engineering - Lebenszyklusmanagement - Teil 4: Planung des System-Engineerings Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE CD 23612 2024-01-15 Software and systems engineering - Incident management Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE AWI 42024 2023-12-01 Software, systems and enterprise - Architecture fundamentals Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC/IEEE AWI 42042 2023-11-30 Enterprise, systems and software - Reference architecture Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC CD 26565 2023-10-12 Software and systems engineering - Methods and tools for product line maturity framework Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
ISO/IEC CD 26566 2023-10-12 Software and systems engineering - Mehtods and tools for product line texture Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN