NA 040

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Cooking Equipment

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Drafts of NA 040

Number: 29

DIN EN 203-2-3 2025-03 Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-3: Specific requirements - Boiling pans and pasta cookers; German and English version prEN 203-2-3:2025 More 
DIN EN 203-2-8 2025-03 Gas heated catering equipment - Part 2-8: Specific requirements - Brat pans; German and English version prEN 203-2-8:2025 More 
DIN EN 16510-2-10 2025-02 Multi-firing sauna stoves fired by natural wood logs - Requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 16510-2-10:2025 More  Read draft and comment
DIN EN 30-1-1/A2 2024-12 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-1: Safety - General; German and English version EN 30-1-1:2021+A1:2023/prA2:2024 More  Read draft and comment
DIN EN 16282-7 2024-11 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Components for ventilation in commercial kitchens - Part 7: Installation and use of fixed fire extinguishing systems; German and English version prEN 16282-7:2024 More 
DIN 18896 2024-09 Fireplaces fired by solid fuel - Technical specifications for installation More 
DIN 18873-22 2023-12 Methods for measuring the energy consumption of commercial kitchen appliances - Part 22: Multifunctional cooking devices More 
DIN 18847 2023-12 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Multifunctional cooking devices - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18855-1 2023-12 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Part 1: Double jacketed boiling and quick boiling pans - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 18855-2 2023-12 Equipment for commercial kitchens - Part 2: Pressure water boilers - requirements and testing More