Industry 4.0

Success with standards

© Oliver Sved /

DIN: Setting tomorrow's standards today

Industry 4.0, the "fourth industrial revolution", essentially refers to the merging of virtual worlds with real production. This means that areas such as mechanical engineering, logistics and IT must work together smoothly - across the globe. How can we efficiently pave the road to industry 4.0? The fact is: This is not possible without standards. DIN has taken great steps for moving towards Industry 4.0, making it easier for German companies to stay ahead in the process.

Getting there first

DIN is helping companies bring their solutions to the market fast - getting a foot in the door to Industry 4.0 early on.
It is important to bring actors from all relevant disciplines together to bundle interests and define common strategies.

DIN is pushing Industry 4.0 forward

  • DIN brings everyone together, from various areas and organizations in the public and private sectors, to make joint decisions regarding standards and Industry 4.0.
  • DIN bundles the interests of German stakeholders and brings these interests to the international stage.
  • DIN has been addressing the topics that are decisive for Industry 4.0 for many years.
  • DIN helps German companies of all sizes gain access to global markets.
  • DIN is a partner in numerous Industry 4.0 research projects supported by the German Federal government.
  • With its extensive expertise, DIN is taking an internationally leading role in Industry 4.0.


DIN e. V.
Amelie Victoria Buss

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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Standardization Council Industrie 4.0 publishes new ...

Berlin/Frankfurt, 19.04.2018. At the Hanover Fair, the Standardization Council Industrie 4.0 (SCI 4.0), together with DIN and VDE/DKE, will ...

Securing Future Technologies - Cybersecurity and ...

Bilaterale Zusammenarbeit bei der Standardisierung mit Blick auf IT-Sicherheit in den zukunftsträchtigen Sektoren Smart Manufacturing, Smart ...


Industry 4.0

DIN forms liaison with Industrial Internet ...

The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and the German national standards body, DIN, have agreed on formal cooperation in the identification of ...

Cooperations with the International ...

The Technical Management Board (TMB) of the International Standard Organization (ISO) in Geneva has now agreed to set up a Strategic Advisory ...