Platform of the German Committee of Standards Users (ANP)

Welcome to ANP

The German Committee of Standards Users in DIN (ANP) is the voice of standards users in standardization. ANP is a network of more than 400 standards experts working in companies across Germany, and DIN standardization experts. They are organized into 11 regional groups and four national project/sector groups. ANP functions as an interface between the standards-setting bodies within DIN and users of standards in both the public and private sectors. 

Our aim is to provide an environment for the mutual exchange of ideas between standards officers and users, and experts from the world of standardization. This includes discussions of strategic issues relating to standardization at national, European and international level. We also provide practical training - bringing in external lecturers where appropriate - in areas such as the implementation of EU Directives, the relationship between standards and the law, and qualification as a standardization expert. Another important task is actively exchanging information with the entire DIN Group regarding the design and development of user-friendly standards. ANP is one of the founding members of IFAN (International Federation of Standards Users). Our role within IFAN gives ANP members direct contact to the European and international standards bodies, CEN/CENELEC and ISO/IEC, respectively. 

Further information about the ANP and current dates can be found on the German version of the website.