NA 062

DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing

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Projects of NA 062

Number: 937

DIN EN ISO 1927-5 rev 2024-12-10 Monolithic (unshaped) refractory products - Part 5: Preparation and treatment of test pieces More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 1927-4 rev 2024-12-10 Monolithic (unshaped) refractory products - Part 4: Determination of consistency of castables More  Comment 
DIN 25412-2 2024-12-10 Laboratory equipment - Glove boxes - Part 2: Leakage test More  Comment 
DIN 25420-1 2024-12-10 Construction of concrete hot cells - Part 1: Requirements for remotely operated cells More  Comment 
DIN 51802 2024-12-10 Testing of lubricants - Testing of the rust-prevention properties of greases in rolling bearings More  Comment 
ISO/CD 5403-2 2024-12-10 Leather - Determination of water resistance of flexible leather - Part 2: Repeated angular compression (Maeser) More  Comment 
DIN CEN/TR 15226 rev 2024-12-09 Building products - Treatment of acoustics in product technical specifications More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 26082-1 rev 2024-12-09 Leather - Physical and mechanical test methods for the determination of soiling - Part 1: Rubbing (Martindale) method More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 22700 rev 2024-12-09 Leather - Measuring the colour and colour difference of finished leather More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 17072-1 rev 2024-12-09 Leather - Chemical determination of metal content - Part 1: Extractable metals More  Comment