NA 001

DIN/VDI-Normenausschuss Akustik, Lärmminderung und Schwingungstechnik (NALS)



In Kooperation mit EURAMET (European Association of National Metrology Institutes) besteht die Möglichkeit einer Förderung von normungsvorbereitenden oder normungsbegleitenden metrologischen Forschungsprojekten. Koordiniert wird diese Initiative von STAIR-EMPIRE (STAndardization Innovation and Research – European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research). Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte dem unten angefügten Schreiben mit 3 Anlagen. 

Sollten Sie Vorschläge für relevante Projekte im Bereich der Akustik haben, bitten wir Sie bis spätestens 1. Oktober 2015 um Mitteilung an die NALS-Geschäftsstelle unter Verwendung des unten angefügten Antwortformulars (Anlage 2). Die Vorschläge werden dann über das CEN/TC 211 „Akustik“ an STAIR-EMPIRE weitergeleitet. 

Bitte beachten Sie auch die in dem Anschreiben erwähnte Informations- und Diskussionsveranstaltung von STAIR-EMPIRE zu den Fördermöglichkeiten, die am 17. Dezember 2015 in Brüssel stattfindet.


To the attention of the CEN and CENELEC technical bodies

In the frame of our cooperation agreement with EURAMET, the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, there is a standing invitation to CEN and CENELEC technical bodies to put forward any needs they have for pre- or co-normative metrology research topics. This initiative is coordinated by “STAIR-EMPIR” on behalf of CEN-CENELEC BT/WG STAIR (the WG which deals with STAndardization Innovation and Research). Two initiatives already took place: 

The enclosed overview of input proves that there is a realistic chance for your needs to be tackled by a project

We are now starting to collect input from CEN and CENELEC on needs that EURAMET could consider in the EMPIR calls for proposals to be launched in February 2016. A substantial budget is reserved for the Energy and Environment domains, however more generic pre-standardization work in any area will also be considered.

Should you have any suggestions for pre- or co-normative metrology research topics which can be addressed via EMPIR,  please send them to us using the enclosed reply form (Attachment 2). The deadline for CEN and CENELEC to submit their contribution 31 December 2015. STAIR-EMPIR will then collect and submit the official CEN and CENELEC input to EURAMET by 15 January 2016. 

We also ask you to forward this invitation to relevant people and groups connected to your committee.

If you intend to discuss this approach during your technical meetings in the upcoming months, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. STAIR-EMPIR can also send somebody to attend and explain the process. 

On 17 December 2015, a STAIR-EMPIR meeting will be organised in Brussels (CCMC). At this meeting, TCs or WGs with defined needs or developed ideas will be given the opportunity to discuss these with EURAMET experts to get a better understanding of what is possible under EMPIR. In order to enable us to ensure the presence of relevant EURAMET experts, technical groups (sector fora, advisory boards, coordination groups, TCs, WGs, etc..) are invited to already forward us their interest in attending the meeting and their contribution by 1 November 2015

Enclosed (Attachment 3) is a generic description of how the EMPIR process works, as well as a time-table highlighting the most important steps. We wish to underline that research projects shall address longer term standardization needs for testing and measurement which have a research period of up to 3 year with a start in 2017, not just generate Round Robin data for instance.


  • Reserve 17 December 2015 in your diary in order to participate in the broader information and connection meeting. Thank you for confirming your presence by 1 November 2015.
  • Send us your needs by 31 December 2015, stating the relevant background and using the enclosed reply form.
  • Inform us if you would like a STAIR-EMPIR representative to join your meeting to further explain the process and discuss this opportunity.

Kind regards,

Mr Luc Van den Berghe, CCMC programme manager (

Mr Ortwin Costenoble, STAIR-EMPIR secretary (

Enclosures (3)

  1. Overview of collected standardization needs by CEN-CENELEC/STAIR (EMRP 2013 and EMPIR 2015 calls) and related EURAMET project
  2. Response form to contribute a need
  3. Background to the EMPIR process