Environmental and infrastructure services

ISO/TC 147
Water quality

Standardization in the field of water quality, including definition of terms, sampling of waters, measurement and reporting of chemical, radiological, microbiological, biological and ecological water characteristics.

Excluded :

  • limits of acceptability

The measurement of water characteristics includes physical, chemical, biochemical, biological, radiological and microbiological measurements. In chemistry, both so-called operationally-defined parameters (parameters defined by the method, such as chemical oxygen demand) and single or group measurements such as metals and individual organic compounds are included, as well as substances of emerging concern. In the biological field, toxicity and biodegradability measurements are included as well as biological and ecological assessment methods and culture-based and molecular-based microbiological methods.

Focus is on quality aspects in the aquatic environment and public health, i.e. water quality monitoring and management of surface water (rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, marine water), groundwater, wastewater, precipitation as well as sediments and biota of aquatic systems. The quality of water intended for

  • human consumption and use,
  • industrial processing,
  • food preparation,
  • and recreation

is a major part of the committee’s work.

National mirror committee of ISO/TC 147

Committee ID Name
NA 119-09 FBR Water quality (CEN/TC 230, ISO/TC 147)