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3,051-3,060 of 3,077 results
Standards [CURRENT]

UNE-EN 438-7

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called Laminates) - Part 7: Compact laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes
Edition 2005-10-19

Solutions for practical implementation - Sample texts, templates, checklists
Edition 2016-08

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 16683

Railway applications - Call for aid and communication device - Requirements
Edition 2016-03

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 54-11/A1

Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points; Amendment A1
Edition 2006-02

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-8

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 8: Classification and specifications for design laminates
Edition 2019-06

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-2+A1

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 2: Determination of properties
Edition 2019-07

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN ISO 7971-3

Cereals - Determination of bulk density, called mass per hectolitre - Part 3: Routine method (ISO 7971-3:2019)
Edition 2019-11

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-9

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 9: Classification and specifications for alternative core laminates
Edition 2018-07

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-1

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 1: Introduction and general information
Edition 2016-05

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-4

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 4: Classification and specifications for compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater
Edition 2016-05

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