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Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 17442-2

Financial services. Legal entity identifier (LEI). Application in digital certificates
Edition 2020-09-18

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO/IEC 18040

Information technology. Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation. Live actor and entity representation in mixed and augmented reality (MAR)
Edition 2019-06-06

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO/IEC 20009-1

Information technology. Security techniques. Anonymous entity authentication. General
Edition 2013-08-31

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO/IEC 20009-2

Information technology. Security techniques. Anonymous entity authentication. Mechanisms based on signatures using a group public key
Edition 2013-12-31

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO/IEC 20009-3

Information security. Anonymous entity authentication. Mechanisms based on blind signatures
Edition 2022-03-03

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO/IEC 20009-4

Information technology. Security techniques. Anonymous entity authentication. Mechanisms based on weak secrets
Edition 2017-08-22

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 20275

Financial services. Entity legal forms (ELF)
Edition 2017-07-31

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 21111-2

Road vehicles. In-vehicle Ethernet. Common physical entity requirements
Edition 2020-11-03

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 21111-3

Road vehicles. In-vehicle Ethernet. Optical 1-Gbit/s physical entity requirements and conformance test plan
Edition 2020-07-01

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 21111-6

Road vehicles. In-vehicle Ethernet. Electrical 100-Mbit/s physical entity requirements and conformance test plan
Edition 2021-11-24

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