NA 080

DIN Standards Committee Radiology

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 6857-2
Radiation protection accessories for medical use of X-radiation - Part 2: Quality control of protective clothes being in use

Title (German)

Strahlenschutzzubehör bei medizinischer Anwendung von Röntgenstrahlung - Teil 2: Qualitätsprüfung von in Gebrauch befindlicher Schutzkleidung


This standard applies to the regular quality control of radiation protective clothing in use which serves to protect patients and personnel against X-ray radiation with X-ray tube voltages up to 150 kV in medical radiology. The standard specifies test procedures, characteristics and test intervals. In the expert test guideline (SV-RL) the presence of personal protective clothing for personnel is required in almost all medically oriented test report samples (human, dental and veterinary X-ray diagnostics). No specific requirements for testing radiation protective clothing are defined in the SV-RL. That is the subject of this standard. This standard does not apply to the quality control of radiation protective goggles and visors. It also does not apply to the manufacture and marketing of protective clothing. DIN standard EN 61331-3 shall be consulted for this. This standard has been prepared by standards committee NA 080-00-02 AA "Strahlenschutz" ("Radiation protection").

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 080-00-02 AA - Radiation protection  

Edition 2016-08
Original language German
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Alexandra Hannawald

Alexander-Wellendorff-Str. 2
75172 Pforzheim

Tel.: +49 7231 9188-21

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