NA 044

DIN Standards Committee Refrigeration Technology

NA 044-00-06 AA
Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors and air conditoners

The committee NA 044-00-06 AA represents the German interests in the national, European and international standardization work in the field of heat pumps driven by electric motors and air conditioners The committee is the national mirror committee of the following European and international committees:

  • CEN/TC 113 "Heat pumps and air conditioning units" and the subordinate working groups, with the exception of CEN/TC 113/WG 6 and CEN/TC 113/WG 14:
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 7 "Heat pumps, air conditioners and chilling liquid packages - testing and rating at part load conditions";
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 8 "Rating and testing for performance";
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 9 "Sound rating of heat pumps, air conditioners and liquid chilling packages (revision of EN 12102)";
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 10 "Heat pumps for domestic hot water production and revision of EN 16147";
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 11 "Direct expansion-to-water units";
  • CEN/TC 113/WG 15 "Roof-top units";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6 "Testing and rating of air-conditioners and heat pumps" and its subordinate working groups:
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/AHG "Ad Hoc Group on definitions of terms for different types of products";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 1 "Air-source air-conditioners and heat pumps";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 3 "Water and brine source heat pumps and air-conditioners";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 10 "Energy recovery ventilators";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 12 "Heat pump water heaters";
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/TG 13 "Next generation of performance standards".
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 14 "Update of measuring technologies"
  • ISO/TC 86/SC 6/WG 15 "Advanced performance standards".

The committee thus offers interested German parties to actively participate in the standardization process, contribute ideas and suggestions and to participate in the exchange of information between the national, European and international stakeholders involved.


DIN-Normenausschuss Kältetechnik (FNKä)

Mareike Tscheuschner

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2628
Fax: +49 30 2601-42628

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