NA 031

DIN Standards Committee Firefighting and Fire Protection

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Projects of NA 031

Number: 91

DIN 14961 2024-10-10 Boats for fire-brigade More  Comment 
DIN 14685-3 2024-10-10 Firefighting and fire protection - Portable generator - Part 3: Generating set with inverter ≤ 2 kVA More  Comment 
DIN EN 15767-3 rev 2024-10-04 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents and firefighting support operations - Portable monitors - Part 3: Foam devices More  Comment 
DIN EN 15767-2 rev 2024-10-04 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents and firefighting support operations - Portable monitors - Part 2: Water nozzles More  Comment 
DIN EN 1846-3 rev 2024-10-04 Firefighting and rescue service vehicles - Part 3: Permanently installed equipment - Safety and performance More  Comment 
DIN EN 15767-1 rev 2024-10-04 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps - Portable monitors - Part 1: General requirements for portable monitor assemblies More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 21805/A1 2024-09-20 Guidance and recommendations on design, selection and installation of vents to safeguard the structural integrity of enclosures protected by gaseous fire-extinguishing systems - Amendment 1 More  Comment 
ISO 21805 CD AMD 1 2024-09-16 Guidance and recommendations on design, selection and installation of vents to safeguard the structural integrity of enclosures protected by gaseous fire-extinguishing systems - Amendment 1 More  Comment 
DIN 14685-2 2024-09-09 Firefighting and fire protection - Portable generator - Part 2: Generating set < 5 kVA More  Comment 
DIN EN 15004-2 2024-08-19 Fixed firefighting systems - Gas extinguishing systems - Part 2: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for FK-5-1-12 extinguishant (ISO 14520-5:2024, modified); German and English version prEN 15004-2:2024 More  Comment