Services in the skilled trades

Standards [Withdrawn]

DIN 18014
Foundation earth electrode - Planning, execution and documentation

Title (German)

Fundamenterder - Planung, Ausführung und Dokumentation


This standard applies to the design and construction of foundation/ring earth electrodes in the course of the erection of a building and shall be set up for any building according to DIN 18015 and the technical connection conditions issued by the electricity suppliers. Foundation/ring earth electrodes are required for protective equipotential bonding via the main earthing busbar, as specified in DIN VDE 0100-540 (VDE-0100-540). This standard contains requirements for functional equipotential bonding for electromagnetic compatibility (EMV) and lightning protection for buildings. The requirements specified for ring earth electrodes are also applicable in cases where such electrodes are to be installed on sites with existing buildings. Compared with DIN 18014:2007-09, the following modifications have been made: a) the standard has been restructured; b) requirements regarding foundations made from fibre concrete and those with a higher earthing contact resistance have been described; c) where the use of ring earth electrodes is necessary, a functional bonding conductor in the concrete foundation is required; d) requirements for the mesh size for meshed functional bonding conductors and regarding the connection to any ring earth electrode have been specified; e) details of the documentation and resistance measurement have been specified. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-09-85 AA "Elektrische Anlagen in Wohngebäuden" ("Electrical installations in residential buildings") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-09-85 AA - Electrical installations in residential buildings  

Edition 2014-03
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 102.10 €
Table of contents



Franziska Slotta

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2131
Fax: +49 302601-42131

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