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Business plan [Withdrawn]

DIN SPEC 27070

Reference architecture of a security gateway for the exchange of industry data and services
Edition 2017-03

Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN SPEC 91419

Standard format for documentation and exchange of basic data on underground situations in construction and civil engineering
Edition 2020-03

Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN SPEC 91474

Data format for the exchange of LCA results for the configuration of modular variant-rich products
Edition 2023-02

Technical rule [CURRENT]


Austausch digitaler Daten im FM - Grundlagen und technische Einordnung
Edition 2017-09

Technical rule [CURRENT]

ift-Fachinformation MO-06/1

2-stufiger Einbau von Fenstern und Türen mit Vorab-Montagezargen - Risikominimierte Montage und einfacher Austausch von Fenstern, Fenstertüren und Außentüren
Edition 2022-02

Technical rule [CURRENT]


Standardised NAMUR-Interface for Exchange of Engineering-Data between CAE-System and PCS Engineering Tools
Edition 2014-10-13

Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/VDE 2610

Exchange format for gear data - Gear Data Exchange Format (GDE Format) - Definition
Edition 2021-03

Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/VDE 2610 Berichtigung

Exchange format for gear data - Gear Data Exchange Format (GDE Format) - Definition - Corrigendum concerning standard VDI/VDE 2610:2021-03
Edition 2021-07

Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI/VDE 2623

Format for data exchange in management of measuring and test equipment - Definition of the Calibration Data Exchange format (CDE format)
Edition 2022-03

Standards [CURRENT]

ISO 2924

Solid and segmental circular saws for cold cutting of metals; Interchangeability dimensions of the drive; Saw diameter range 224 to 2 240 mm
Edition 1973-12

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