NA 023

DIN Standards Committee Ergonomics

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Projects of NA 023

Number: 90

ISO/IEC AWI 24216-1 2024-08-30 Information technology - User interface guidelines on avatars - Part 1: General requirements More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 21372 2024-08-21 Ergonomics - General ergonomic requirements and recommendations for service More  Comment 
ISO/WD 25153 2024-08-21 Ergonomics - Human-centred design of products and services - Principles and activities More  Comment 
ISO/IEC AWI 29138-4 2024-08-05 Information Technology - User interface accessibility - Part 4: Applying user accessibility needs More  Comment 
DIN/TR 33431 2024-06-07 Ergonomics of work and product design – Vocabulary and concepts More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 9241-222 2024-06-05 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 222: Self-assessment of human-centred design approach More  Comment 
ISO/IEC AWI 25558 2024-05-30 Ageing societies - A Guide to enhancing safety and convenience for older persons in smart home environment More  Comment 
DIN EN 17161 rev 2024-05-13 Design for All approach - Managing accessibility of products and services More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TR 22411-2 2024-05-03 Guidance for use in the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71:2014 - Part 2: Ergonomic design considerations More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 25033-1 2024-04-22 Basic muscular strength measurements for technological design - Part 1: Muscular strength measurements definitions, instrumentation, and protocol More  Comment