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Projects of DKE/UK 767.6

DIN EN IEC 61643-361 2024-11-13 Low-voltage surge protective components - Part 361: Surge isolation transformers (SITs) connected to low-voltage distribution system - Requirements and test methods (IEC 37B/37B/247/CD:2024) More  Comment 
DIN VDE 0845-6-4 2024-09-09 Proceedings in the case of interference on telecommunication installations by electric power installations - Part 4: Interference by d.c. traction systems More  Comment 
DIN EN IEC 61643-21 2024-06-05 Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Requirements and testing methods (IEC 37A/399/CD:2023) More  Comment 
DIN EN IEC 61643-332 2023-08-10 Components for low-voltage surge protection - Part 332: Selection and application principles for metal oxide varistors (MOV) (IEC 37B/230/CDV:2022); German version prEN IEC 61643-332:2022 More  Comment 
DIN VDE 0845-1-4 2021-01-27 Protection of telecommunication lines using metallic symmetric conductors against lightning-induced surges More  Comment 
DIN VDE 0845-1-2 2021-01-27 Protection of telecommunication lines against direct lightning flashes More  Comment 
DIN VDE 0845-1-3 2021-01-27 Protection of telecommunication lines against direct lightning flashes More  Comment 
DIN VDE 0845-6-3 2016-08-01 Electromagnetic influence of electric power supply on telecommunication systems - Part 3: Influence by alternating current traction systems More  Comment 
IEC 37B/99/CDV 2008-06-13 IEC 61643-312 Ed. 1.0: Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 312: Preferred values and characteristics for gas discharge tubes More  Comment 
IEC 37B/100/CDV 2008-06-13 Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 313: Selection and applications principles for gas discharge tubes More  Comment