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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 62744 ; VDE 0040-9:2015-11
Representation of states of objects by graphical symbols (IEC 62744:2014); German version EN 62744:2015

Title (German)

Darstellung von Objektzuständen mittels grafischer Symbole (IEC 62744:2014); Deutsche Fassung EN 62744:2015


This International Standard deals with the representation of the dynamic behaviour of objects represented by standardised circuit symbols. The circuit symbols represented in standards such as IEC 60417, IEC 60617 and ISO 14617 are currently represented in a static form. This international standard contains rules and recommendations on how objects represented by circuit symbols can be provided with a dynamic behaviour representing operating states of the object that occur in practice. This standard provides guidance to developers and designers of circuit symbols, such as those in IEC 60617, ISO 14617 and IEC 60417 or any other pictorial representation of an object when it comes to the need for additional shapes for their dynamic representation. This standard does not establish rules for the design of static circuit symbols for wiring diagrams, as in IEC 61082 and the ISO/IEC 81714 series, nor for icons and pictorial symbols on devices, as in IEC 60417, ISO 7000 and the ISO/IEC 11581 series. The responsible committee is DKE/K 113 "Produktdatenmodelle, Informationsstrukturen, Dokumentation und graphische Symbole" ("Product data models, information structures, documentation and graphical symbols") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

DKE/K 113 - Informationsstrukturen und Informationselemente, Grundsätze der Identifikation und Kennzeichnung, Dokumentation und graphische Symbole  

Edition 2015-11
Original language German
Price from 83.36 €
Table of contents



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