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Technical Specification

DIN CEN/TS 15844-3 ; DIN SPEC 66294-3:2011-03
Postal services - ID-tagging of letter mail items - Part 3: BNB-62 encoding specification; English version CEN/TS 15844-3:2010

Title (German)

Postalische Dienstleistungen - ID-Kennzeichnung von Briefsendungen - Teil 3: Festlegung der BNB-62-Codierung; Englische Fassung CEN/TS 15844-3:2010




This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 331 "Postal services", the secretariat of which is held by NEN, in collaboration with the UPU. This document has been prepared by experts coming from CEN/TC 331 and the UPU, under the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the UPU and CEN. CEN/TS 15844-3 is the CEN equivalent of UPU standard S18c-5. It contains a general introduction to all parts of the standard to which the reader is referred to. This part deals only with the encoding of ID-tags in the form of a 62-position bar-no-bar code, BNB-62, printed on the reverse side of items, in area R1, using fluorescent ink. This part is arranged under six main headings: value range limitations: defines limitations on the values of data elements used in ID-tags which are to be represented on items in the form of a BNB-62 bar code; encoding specification: specifies the construction of a 62-position bar-no-bar code from ID-tag data elements; printing of the bar code: to allow the association of computer data with a physical item, the ID-tag is printed on the item itself; this clause defines required ink and printing parameters; reading and interpretation of BNB-62 bar codes: specifies the validation and error correction requirements associated with the reading of ID-tags represented using BNB-62 bar codes; conversion to the message and binary representations: describes the correspondence between BNB-62 representation and the binary and message interchange representations. This document specifies the representation of ID-tags in the form of a 62-position bar-no-bar code (BNB-62) printed on the reverse side of items, in area R1, using fluorescent ink.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 043-03-04 AA - Postal services  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 331/WG 3 - Physical processing chain and associated data  

Edition 2011-03
Original language English
Price from 68.10 €
Table of contents


Katharina Klug

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2094
Fax: +49 30 2601-42094

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