European and International Standardization

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In health care standardization is primarily subject to the European and international level with a focus on its uniformity worldwide. This cooperation is supported by the Vienna Agreement and the Frankfurt Agreement.

DIN as well as DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies in DIN and VDE) both play an important role while holding secretariats of technical committees or working groups at the European Committees for Standardization (CEN or CENELEC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Organization (IEC).

See also European (CEN, CENELEC) and International (ISO, IEC) Technical Committees in health care.

Technical Committees in the domain of health care at CEN and CENELEC

The following link will lead you to committees and the contact person of technical committees held by a DIN secretariat



Secretariat (organisation,country)



DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 102

“Sterilizers and associated equipment for processing of medical devices”

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 140

“In vitro Diagnostic medical devices”

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 170

„Ophthalmic optics“

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 204

„Sterilization of medical devices“

BSI, Great Britain

CEN/TC 205

„Non-Active Medical Devices“

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 206

“Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices”

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 215

„Respiratory and anaesthetic equipment“

BSI, Great Britain

CEN/TC 216

„Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics“

AFNOR, France

CEN/TC 239

„Rescue systems“

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 285

„Non-active surgical implants“

DIN, Germany

CEN/TC 293

“Assistive products for persons with disability”

SIS, Sweden

CEN/TC 362

“Healthcare services - Quality management system”

SIS, Sweden

CEN/TC 450

“Patient involvement in person-centred care”

SIS, Sweden


“Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices“

NEN, Netherlands


“CEN/CENELEC Joint Working Group on Active Implantable Medical Devices”

DKE, Germany

Technical Committees in the domain of health care at ISO and IEC

Note: Subcommittees (SC) were included in the overview if the secretariat is held by DIN or DKE.

The following link will lead you to committees and the contact person of technical committees and their subcommittees held by a DIN secretariat

Committees and Subcommittees


Secretariat (organisation, country)


“Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use”

DIN, Germany


“Devices for administration of medicinal products”

DS, Denmarkk

ISO/TC 106


SCC, Canada

ISO/TC 121

“Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment”


ISO/TC 121/SC 1

“Breathing attachments and anaesthetic machines”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 150

“Implants for surgery”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 150/SC 1


DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 168

“Prosthetics and orthotics”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 170

“Surgical instruments”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 172

„Optics and photonics“

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 172/SC 5

“Microscopes and endoscopes”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 172/SC 7

“Ophthalmic optics and instruments”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 173

“Assistive products”

SIS, Sweden

ISO/TC 194

“Biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 194/SC 1

“Tissue product safety”

DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 198

“Sterilization of health care products”

Secretariat: ANSI, USA

ISO/TC 210

“Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices”

Secretariat: ANSI, USA

ISO/TC 215

“Health informatics”

Secretariat: ANSI, USA

ISO/TC 249

“Traditional chinese medicine”

Secretariat: SAC, China

ISO/TC 276


Secretariat: DIN, Germany

ISO/TC 304

„Healthcare organzation management“

Secretariat: ANSI, USA


“Electrical equipment in medical practice”

Secretariat: DKE, Germany


“Diagnostic imaging equipment”

Secretariat: DKE, Germany


“Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetrie”

Secretariat: DKE, Germany