DIN-TERM online
DIN-TERM online, for which registration is not necessary, shows all terms that are defined in current DIN Standards and Specifications and for which other language versions are available in DIN-TERM (at present around 210,000). Since June 2016, an increasing number of Polish terms from current standards of the Polish standards body PKN are included. The translation of the term (English/French/German/Polish) and relevant categories are shown.
Search Tips
Wild card
Use the following symbol to truncate your search term:
* can be used as a substitute for any number of characters, including spaces.
It can be placed at the middle or end of a term (but with at least two characters preceding it).
Further information
Do you want to see more than just the standardized terms from valid standards and their standardized translations? Are you also interested in their definitions, in notes, examples and maybe even in terminological specifications from draft standards or from withdrawn documents? If so you are also welcome to register for our DIN-TERMinology Portal. Registration and usage are free of charge!