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Child care articles - General safety - Part 1: Safety philosophy and assessment

Child care articles - General safety - Part 2: Mechanical hazards

Child care articles - General safety - Part 3: Chemical hazards

Child care articles - General safety - Part 4: Thermal hazards

Child care articles - General safety - Part 5: Product information


Child Safety

Child Safety

Toy like (Child appealing) appliances

Road vehicles - Methods and criteria for usability evaluation of child restraint systems and their interface with vehicle anchorage systems - Part 4: Securing of child in child restraint system and daily handling aspects

Road vehicles - Methods and criteria for usability evaluation of child restraint systems and their interface with vehicle anchorage systems - Part 5: Installation and securing of child in a booster system

Road vehicles - Methods and criteria for usability evaluation of child restraint systems and their interface with vehicle anchorage systems - Part 3: Installation of child restraint systems using vehicle seat belts