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Draft standard

OVE EN IEC 62496-4-3

Optical circuit boards - Part 4-3: Interface standards - Terminated waveguide OCB assembly using a single-row thirty-two-channel PMT connector intermateable with 250 µm pitch MPO 16 (IEC 86/584/CDV) (english version)
Edition 2021-09-01

Draft standard

20/30429761 DC

BS EN 62496-4-3 Ed.1.0. Optical circuit boards. Part 4-3. Interface standards. Terminated waveguide OCB assembly using a single-row thirty-two-channel PMT connector intermateable with 250 µm pitch MPO 16
Edition 2020-11-16

Draft standard

22/30465142 DC

BS IEC 63466. Leaky waveguide. Part1. Generic specification. General requirements and test methods
Edition 2022-12-16

Draft standard

23/30461067 DC

BS EN IEC 60153-2. Hollow metallic waveguides. Part 2. Relevant specifications for ordinary rectangular waveguides
Edition 2023-04-19

Draft standard

23/30479507 DC

BS IEC 63466. Leaky waveguide. Part 1. Generic specification. General requirements and test methods
Edition 2023-09-04

Draft standard

23/30481610 DC

BS EN IEC 62496-4-3. Optical circuit boards. Part 4-3. Interface standards. Terminated waveguide OCB assembly using a single-row thirty-two-channel PMT connector intermateable with 250 µm pitch MPO 16
Edition 2023-10-20

Standards [CURRENT]

BS ISO 15559

Practice for use of a radiochromic optical waveguide dosimetry system
Edition 1999-09-15

Standards [CURRENT]

UNE 20261

Edition 1993-12-29

Standards [CURRENT]

UNE-EN IEC 60153-4

Hollow metallic waveguides - Part 4: Relevant specifications for circular waveguides
Edition 2022-12-21

Standards [CURRENT]

UNE-EN IEC 61000-4-20

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-20: Testing and measurement techniques - Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides
Edition 2022-10-26

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