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Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Application of the ISDN user part (isup) of CCITT signalling system number 7 for international ISDN interconnections (isup version 1)
Edition 1996-12-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification (GSM 04.08, version 4.22.1)
Edition 1999-02-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Full rate speech. Part 1: processing functions (GSM 06.01 version 4.0.7)
Edition 1998-08-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Full rate speech. Part 2: transcoding (GSM 06.10 version 4.1.1)
Edition 1998-09-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Full rate speech. Part 3: substitution and muting of lost frames for full rate speech channels (GSM 06.11 version 4.0.6)
Edition 1998-08-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Full rate speech. Part 6: voice activity detection (VAD) for full rate speech traffic channels (GSM 06.32 version 4.3.1)
Edition 1998-09-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2). Half rate speech. Part 2: half rate speech transcoding (GSM 06.20 version 4.3.1)
Edition 1998-09-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2). Half rate speech. Part 3: substitution and muting of lost frames for half rate speech traffic channels (GSM 06.21 version 4.0.2)
Edition 1998-09-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2). Half rate speech. Part 4: comfort noise aspect for half rate speech traffic channels (GSM 06.22 version 4.1.1)
Edition 1998-09-01

Digital cellular telecommunications system (phase 2). Half rate speech. Part 5: Discontinuous Transmission (DTX) for half rate speech traffic channels (GSM 06.41 version 4.0.2)
Edition 1998-09-01