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Standards [CURRENT]


Plastics - Cellulose acetate in dilute solution - Determination of viscosity number and viscosity ratio (ISO 1157:1990)
Edition 1999-10-01

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN ISO 1157

Plastics - Cellulose acetate in dilute solution - Determination of viscosity number and viscosity ratio (ISO 1157:1990)
Edition 1999-09

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 12285-1

Workshop fabricated steel tanks - Part 1: Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the underground storage of flammable and nonflammable water polluting liquids other than for heating and cooling of buildings; German version EN 12285-1:2018
Edition 2018-12

Draft standard

DIN EN 13001-3-5

Cranes - General design - Part 3-5: Limit states and proof of competence of forged and cast hooks; German and English version prEN 13301-3-5:2024
Edition 2024-04

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 15460

Water quality - Guidance standard for the surveying of macrophytes in lakes; German version EN 15460:2007
Edition 2008-01

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 15911

Foodstuffs - Simultaneous determination of nine sweeteners by high performance liquid chromatography and evaporative light scattering detection; German version EN 15911:2010
Edition 2011-01

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16603-50-16

Space engineering - Time triggered Ethernet; English version EN 16603-50-16:2021
Edition 2022-08

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16815

CleANopen - Application profile for municipal vehicles; English version EN 16815:2019, only on CD-ROM
Edition 2019-09

Draft standard

DIN EN 60115-2

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification: Leaded fixed low power film resistors (IEC 40/2690/CD:2019); Text in German and English
Edition 2020-03

Draft standard

DIN EN 60115-4

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification: Fixed power resistors (IEC 40/2693/CD:2019); Text in German and English
Edition 2020-04

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