Certified AI

Certification of standard AI applications

The aim of the KI.NRW flagship project is to develop and standardize test criteria, methods, and tools for AI systems in order to enable a comparable evaluation of AI systems. Verifiability of technically assured properties is expected to/should increase the confidence of users and consumers in AI technologies.

The focus is in particular on the development of safeguarding methods and testing tools as well as the transfer of results into concrete economic offers. A holistic project approach includes the elaboration and development of testing tools and the development of a testing framework to ensure the comparability of tests of different AI applications, as well as the consideration of legal, philosophical/ethical and economic aspects and issues.

Together with project partners, DIN organizes so-called user circles to discuss project results with a broad range of stakeholders and to validate them based on use cases. Relevant project results will be transferred to standardization with the aim of introducing them into suitable activities at European and international level.

Project duration

03/2021 – 02/2026

Project coordinator

Fraunhofer-Institut für Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS

Project partners

  • Universität zu Köln - Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Philosophy of Law and Comparative Law
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn - Institute of Computer Science III - Chair of Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence and Chair of Epistemology, Modern and Contemporary Philosophy
  • RWTH Aachen - Chair for Innovation, Strategy and Organisation
  • DIN e. V.
  • Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) (associated partner)
  • Further associated partners: approximately 25 Organizations from different fields such as telecommunication, finance, chemical industry and trade.

For more information see: 

  • https://www.zertifizierte-ki.de/
  • https://din.one/display/ZKI/Flagship-Projekt+ZERTIFIZIERTE+KI

Project funding

This project is funded by the Ministry of Economc Affairs, Industry, Klimate Action and Energy of  the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Project management Jülich). Funding code: 005-2011-0053

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DIN e. V.
Christine Fuß

Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin

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