NA 074

DIN Standards Committee Paper, board and pulps

NA 074-02-01 AA
Chemical-technological test methods for paper, board, pulps and chemical pulp

The working group NA 074 -02-01 AA has to deal with chemical, chemical- technological, microbiological and microscopical test methods for paper, board, pulps, recovered paper and other pulps which are necessary for the paper and board manufacturing.
This working group develops new Standards, reviews existing Standards at national-(DIN), european- (CEN, especially CEN/TC 172 "Pulp, paper and board") and international (ISO, especially ISO/TC 6 "Paper, board and pulps") level.
The working group NA 074-02-01 AA "Chemical- technological test methods for paper, board, pulps and chemical pulp" is the national mirror committee of
- ISO/TC 6 Sub Committee 5: "Pulps" and its two working groups as well as ISO/TC 6 working group 4 "Chemical analysis";
- CEN/TC 172 working group 3: "Analytical methods of the assessment of paper and board in contact with foodstuffs"; - CEN/TC 172 working group 4: "Dirt and shives in pulp and paper";
- CEN/TC 172 working group 12: "Measurement of cytotoxicity".


DIN-Normenausschuss Papier, Pappe und Faserstoff (NPa)
Ms.   Dr.

Vivien Vogt

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2385
Fax: +49 30 2601-42385

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