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Publications of NA 062-07-54 AA

DIN 25403 2024-12 Standards Criticality safety in processing and handling of fissile materials - Principles More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25433 2016-10 Standards Fuel assembly identification for nuclear power reactors More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25463-1 2014-02 Standards Calculation of the decay power in nuclear fuels of light water reactors - Part 1: Uranium oxide nuclear fuel for pressurized water reactors More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25463-2 2014-02 Standards Calculation of the decay power in nuclear fuels of light water reactors - Part 2: Mixed-uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel for pressurized water reactors More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25471 2021-08 Standards Criticality safety taking into account the burnup of fuel elements when handling and storing nuclear fuel elements in fuel pools of nuclear power plants with lightwater reactors More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25472 2012-08 Standards Criticality safety for final disposal of nuclear fuels to be discarded More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25474 2014-06 Standards Measures of administrative character for conservation of criticality safety in nuclear facilities excluding reactors More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25478 2021-08 Standards Application of computer codes for the assessment of criticality safety More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25478 Beiblatt 1 2012-09 Technical rule Application of computer codes for the assessment of criticality safety - Supplement 1: Explanations More  Order from DIN Media
DIN 25712 2015-04 Standards Criticality safety taking into account the burnup of fuel for transport and storage of irradiated light water reactor fuel assemblies in casks More  Order from DIN Media