NA 119

DIN Standards Committee Water Practice

DIN EN 12056-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
AbwAnlZulGS 2005-05 Zulassungsgrundsätze für Anlagen zur Begrenzung von Kohlenwasserstoffen aus mineralölhaltigen Abwassern; Stand 2005-05 More 
DIN 1986-100 2016-12 Drainage systems on private ground - Part 100: Specifications in relation to DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 12056 More 
DWA-A 113 2020-01 Hydraulische Dimensionierung und Leistungsnachweis von Abwasserdrucksystemen More 
VDI 4700 Blatt 1 2015-10 Terminology of civil engineering and building services More 
VDI/BV-BS 6000 Blatt 1.1 2012-02 Provision and installation of sanitary facilities - Generic aspects and systems; Prefabricated sanitary modules (prefabricated sanitary rooms, installation systems) More 
DIN SPEC 19748 2012-05 Requirements for lining with cured-in-place pipes for renovation of drains connected to premises More 
DIN 1389 2015-12 WC connectors - Requirements and testing More 
DIN 14462 2023-07 Planning, installation, operation and maintenance of fire hose systems, systems with fire hydrants and dry risers More 
DIN 18032-1 2014-11 Sports halls - Halls and rooms for sports and multi-purpose use - Part 1: Planning principles More 
DIN 18035-3 2006-09 Sports grounds - Part 3: Drainage More