NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN ISO 14688-1 [Withdrawn] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DWA-M 512-1 2012-02 Sealing Systems in Hydraulic Engineering - Part 1: Earthwork Structures More 
VDI 4640 Blatt 1 2010-06 Thermal use of the underground - Fundamentals, approvals, environmental aspects More 
DIN 1055-2 2010-11 Actions on structures - Part 2: Soil properties More 
DIN 4017 2006-03 Soil - Calculation of design bearing capacity of soil beneath shallow foundations More 
BAW Regelbauweise, Böschungs/Sohlensicherung ; MAR:2008 2008 Code of Practice - Use of standard construction methods for bank and bottom protection on inland waterways (MAR) More 
FGSV 542 2010 Merkblatt über Straßenbau auf wenig tragfähigem Untergrund More 
FGSV 561 2010 Hinweise zum Straßenbau in Erdfallgebieten More 
FGSV 591/B 11.3 ; TP BF-StB:2010 2010 Technische Prüfvorschriften für Boden und Fels im Straßenbau (TP BF-StB) - Teil B 11.3: Eignungsprüfung bei Bodenverbesserungen mit Bindemitteln More 
FGSV 599 ; ZTV E-StB 09:2009 2009 Additional technical conditions of contract and directives for earthworks in road construction ZTV E-StB 09 More 
FLL Freibad, Wasseraufbereitung 2011 Recommendations for Planning, Construction, Servicing and Operation of Outdoor Swimming Pools with Biological Water Purification (Swimming and Bathing Ponds) More