NA 052

DIN Standards Committee Road Vehicles and Mobility




DIN EN ISO 18243 2024-10 Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles - Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems (ISO/DIS 18243:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 18243:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more???  ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.button.comment???
DIN EN ISO 17419 2024-09 Intelligent transport systems - Globally unique identification (ISO/DIS 17419:2024); English version prEN ISO 17419:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN ISO 18750 2024-09 Intelligent transport systems - Local dynamic map (ISO/DIS 18750:2024); English version prEN ISO 18750:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN ISO 17423 2024-09 Intelligent transport systems - Application requirements and objectives (ISO/DIS 17423:2024); English version prEN ISO 17423:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN 15876 2024-08 Electronic fee collection - Conformity evaluation of on-board and roadside equipment to EN 15509; English version prEN 15876:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN ISO 15118-21 2024-07 Road vehicles - Vehicle to grid communication interface - Part 21: Common 2nd generation network layer and application layer requirements conformance test plan (ISO/DIS 15118-21:2024); English version prEN ISO 15118-21:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN 18052 2024-06 Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for eCall HLAP in hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments; English version prEN 18052:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN 16157-1 2024-06 Intelligent transport systems - DATEX II data exchange specifications for traffic management and information - Part 1: Context and framework; English version prEN 16157-1:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN 16072 2024-05 Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - Pan-European eCall operating requirements; German and English version prEN 16072:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more??? 
DIN EN ISO 12855 2024-05 Electronic fee collection - Information exchange between service provision and toll charging (ISO/DIS 12855:2024); English version prEN ISO 12855:2024 ???din.label.webdb.content.norm.more???