DIN EN 12952-1
Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 1: General; German version EN 12952-1:2015
Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten - Teil 1: Allgemeines; Deutsche Fassung EN 12952-1:2015
This European Standard applies to water-tube boilers with volumes in excess of two litres for the generation of steam and/or hot water at a maximum allowable pressure PS greater than 0,5 bar and with a temperature in excess of 110 °C as well as auxiliary installations (other plant equipment). The purpose of this European Standard is to ensure that the necessary essential safety requirements according to Annex I of the Pressure Equipment Directive are fulfilled in order to guarantee the safety of water tube boilers. This European Standard does not apply to the following types of boiler plant: a) boilers other than stationary boilers; b) shell type boilers; c) electrical boilers; d) nuclear primary circuits, the failure of which can cause an emission of radioactivity. This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 269 "Shell and water-tube boilers", the secretariat of which is held by DIN. The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 082-00-18 AA "Dampfkesselanlagen" ("Boiler plants") at Standards Committee Piping and Boiler Plant (NARD). For further information about the NARD, visit us on the Internet under www.nard.din.de.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 178-03-01 AA - Water-tube boilers