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Technical Specification [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 16371 ; DIN SPEC 66281:2012-11
Guidelines for implementors of EN 15744 and EN 15907 English version CEN/TS 16371:2012

Title (German)

Richtlinien für Implementierer von EN 15744 und EN 15907 Englische Fassung CEN/TS 16371:2012




DIN CEN/TS 16371 outlines technological approaches towards implementing DIN EN 15907 and (partially) DIN EN 15744 for the purpose of exchanging metadata about cinematographic works and gives recommendations in this context for procedures for the implementors of the mentioned European Standards. Currently filmographic databases are organized and implemented in very different ways. There is a consensus among experts of all European countries that these differences impair the interoperability and commonality of data. While the principle of DIN EN 15744:2009 is to identify audiovisual works using a limited amount of core characteristics, DIN EN 15907:2010 specifies a comprehensive set of data elements and structures which can be utilized to also express further statements about such works in a uniform way and communicate while preserving the semantics. Neither EN 15744 nor EN 15907 mandate a particular representation for conformant metadata. Interoperability exists if metadata is communicated in a format that, on the one hand, preserves the meaning as defined in both standards, and, on the other hand, can be produced and consumed by all parties taking part in an exchange of metadata. DIN CEN/TS 16371:2012 has been prepared based upon the interpretation of the results of four European workshops from the end of 2010 to the middle of 2011, during the course of which DIN EN 15744 and DIN EN 15907 were presented to a European audience of administrators of film archives, film museums, cinematheques and other cultural centres with databanks of audiovisual media. Discussions with the mentioned experts led to the recommendations in DIN CEN/TS 16371 for the implementors of both standards. DIN CEN/TS 16371:2012 has been prepared by Project Committee CEN/TC 372 "Filmidentifikation" ("Cinematographic Works"), the secretariat of which was held by DIN until the end of 2011. The committee responsible for DIN CEN/TS 16371:2012 at DIN is NA 043 BR-03 SO Film identification.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 043 BR-03 SO - Film identification  

Edition 2012-11
Original language English
Price from 58.20 €
Table of contents


Andreas Lamm

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2064
Fax: +49 30 2601-42064

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