NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN 18008-2 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 18008-1 2020-05 Glass in Building - Design and construction rules - Part 1: Terms and general bases More 
DIN 18008-3 2024-12 Glass in Building - Design and construction rules - Part 3: Point fixed glazing More 
DIN 18008-4 2024-12 Glass in building - Design and construction rules - Part 4: Additional requirements for barrier glazing More 
MTBauBestVV 2024-08-28 Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB); Ausgabe 2024/1 More 
DIN 18008-5 2024-12 Glass in Building - Design and construction rules - Part 5: Additional requirements for walk-on glazing More 
DIN 18055 2020-09 Criteria for the use of windows and external doors in accordance with DIN EN 14351-1 More 
DIN 18361 2023-09 German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Glazing works More 
DIN 18545 2022-01 Sealing of glazing with sealants - Requirements for rebates and glazing systems More 
DIN CEN/TS 19100-4 2024-06 Design of glass structures - Part 4: Glass selection relating to the risk of human injury - Guidance for specification; German version CEN/TS 19100-4:2024 More 
DIN EN 13031-1 2021-12 Greenhouses - Design and construction - Part 1: Commercial production greenhouses; German version EN 13031-1:2019 More