NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN 18032-1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
DIN 67526-3 2018-03 Sports lighting - Part 3: Daylighting More 
DIN 7892 2023-12 Gymnastic and playing field equipment - Electrically operated lifting devices - Functional and safety requirements and testing More 
SchulbauRL NW 2020-11-17 Richtlinie über bauaufsichtliche Anforderungen an Schulen (Schulbaurichtlinie - SchulBauR) More 
DIN 18035-1 2018-09 Sports grounds - Part 1: Outdoor play and athletics Areas - Planning and dimensions More 
DIN 18036 2017-10 Ice-sport facilities - Ice-sport facilities with artificial ice - Rules for planning and construction More 
DIN 7911-2 2020-09 Gymnastic equipment - Climbing apparatus - Part 2: Vertical climbing ropes, dimensions, safety requirements and test methods More 
VDI 6000 Blatt 7 2024-07 Sanitary engineering - Sanitary facilities - Publicly accessible sanitary facilities More 
DGUV Regel 102-601 2019-08 Branche Schule More 
DIN V 18599-10 2018-09 Energy efficiency of buildings - Calculation of the net, final and primary energy demand for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting - Part 10: Boundary conditions of use, climatic data More 
DIN 18032-3 2023-12 Sports halls - Halls and rooms for sports and multi-purpose use - Part 3: Testing of safety against ball throwing More