NA 005

DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering

DIN EN 1991-4 Berichtigung 1 [CURRENT] referenced in following documents:

Document number Edition Title
MTBauBestVV 2024-08-28 Muster-Verwaltungsvorschrift Technische Baubestimmungen (MVV TB); Ausgabe 2024/1 More 
DIN EN 1990 2021-10 Eurocode: Basis of structural design; German version EN 1990:2002 + A1:2005 + A1:2005/AC:2010 More 
DIN EN 1993-1-1/NA 2022-10 National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings More 
DIN EN 1993-2/NA 2022-02 National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 2: Steel bridges More 
DIN SPEC 18072 2014-03 Sales greenhouses More 
DIN 11622-2 2015-09 Silage and liquid manure containers, containers in biogas plants, bunker silos and trench silos - Part 2: Silage and liquid manure containers and containers in biogas plants made of concrete More 
DIN 11622-5 2015-09 Silage and liquid manure containers, containers in biogas plants, bunker silos and trench silos - Part 5: Bunker silos and trench silos More 
DIN 18008-6 2018-02 Glass in building - Design and construction rules - Part 6: Additional requirements for walk-on glazing in case of maintenance procedures and for fall-through glazing More 
DIN 18088-1 2019-01 Structures for wind turbines and platforms - Part 1: Basic principles and actions More 
DIN 18531-1 2017-07 Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 1: Non-utilized and utilized roofs - Requirements and principles for execution and design More