Checklist for determining the economic benefits of standards

The economic benefits of standards affect businesses both internally, in terms of performance, and externally, in terms of their relations with business partners, customers and the public in general. This checklist will help you identify the current benefits realized by your business, as well as the potential benefits of applying standards in the future. The methodology behind the checklist and important background information are illustrated in the "opening diagram" (see below). Once you have obtained a general picture, you can move on to the checklist, which contains a series of statements aimed at identifying the benefits of a particular standard or group of standards you use (or would like to use) in your business.

The checklist is in three sections which should be worked through in the given order. Place a tick/check next to the statements that apply to you; in most cases, multiple choices are possible. Once the checklist is completed, you can choose between a general analysis of the results or an individualized analysis in tabular form with which you can determine the benefits on the basis of your company data. This example of a completed checklist can help clarify any questions regarding the procedure.

Enjoy completing the checklist!

How to use this checklist

Check the statements that best describe the impact a particular standard has (or would have) on your company. 1. In the first section you will describe the scope of the standard.
2. The second section deals with the impact that standard has on your business. At this point you can either decide to go back and change some or all of your answers, or to continue with the interactive checklist.
3. The third section concerns the effects of standards on specific areas of your business.
4. Once you have completed the checklist, you can choose between a general analysis of the standard's effects on your business and a more detailed individualized analysis in tabular form that can be used for further calculations.

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