Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery
This document specifies requirements for safety and environmental aspects in relation to operation, maintenance and repair of refrigerating systems and the recovery, reuse and disposal of all types of refrigerant, refrigerant oil, heat transfer fluid, refrigerating system and part thereof. This document does not cover "motor vehicle air conditioners" constructed according to the product standards such as ISO 13043. These requirements are intended to minimize risks of injury to persons and damage to property and the environment resulting from improper handling of the refrigerants or from contaminants leading to system breakdown and resultant emission of the refrigerant.
Planned document number
DIN EN ISO 5149-4
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 044-00-01 AA - Safety and environment protection
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 182/WG 6 - Revision of EN 378
Responsible international committee
ISO/TC 86/SC 1/WG 1 - Safety and environmental requirements for refrigerating systems and heat pumps