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Technical Specification [Withdrawn]

DIN CEN/TS 16916 ; DIN SPEC 2212:2016-08
Materials obtained from End of Life Tyres - Determination of specific requirements for sampling and determination of moisture content using the oven-dry method; German version CEN/TS 16916:2016

Title (German)

Materialien aus Altreifen - Bestimmung der spezifischen Anforderungen für die Probenahme und Bestimmung des Feuchtegehaltes aus dem Ofen-Trockenverfahren; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 16916:2016




This Technical Specification specifies a method for determining the specific requirements for sampling and for determining the total moisture content of materials obtained from End of Life Tyres (ELT) by drying samples in an oven. The method is applicable to chips, granulates, powders and textile derived from the treatment of End of Life Tyres. This document is not intended for the determination of moisture content in steel wires. This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 366 "Materials obtained from End-of-Life Tyres (ELT)". The responsible national standardization committee is Working Committee NA 045-01-02 AA "Reifenverwertung" (Spiegelgremium zu CEN/TC 366) ("Tyre recycling" (mirror committee to CEN/TC 366)) at DIN Standards Committee Rubber Technology (FAKAU).

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 045-01-02 AA - Tyre recycling  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 366/WG 3 - Composition characteristics  

Edition 2016-08
Original language German
Price from 58.20 €
Table of contents


Linda Grosskopp

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2638
Fax: +49 30 2601-42638

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