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Draft standard

DIN EN 14163

Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Welding of pipelines (ISO 13847:2013, modified); German and English version prEN 14163:2021
Edition 2021-08

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 14163

Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Welding of pipelines (ISO 13847:2000, modified); German version EN 14163:2001, text German and English
Edition 2002-09

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 14163 Berichtigung 1

Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Welding of pipelines (ISO 13847:2000, modified); German version EN 14163:2001, text german and english, Corrigenda to DIN EN 14163:2002-09; German and English version EN 14163:2001/AC:2006
Edition 2006-11

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 15589-2

Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy - Cathodic protection of pipeline transportation systems - Part 2: Offshore pipelines (ISO 15589-2:2024); German version EN ISO 15589-2:2024
Edition 2024-10

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95920-1

Hose assemblies - Hoses and hose fittings - Part 1: Standards and documents for pipelines and refuelling - Overview; Text in German and English
Edition 2021-12

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95922-1

Hose assemblies - Part 1: Hose assemblies for fueling and pipelines - Production and testing; Text in German and English
Edition 2023-10

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95924-1

Hoses and hose assemblies - Part 1: For fuelling and pipelines - Age inspection and preventive maintenance; Text in German and English
Edition 2024-09

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95925-1

Hose assemblies - Part 1: For fuelling and pipelines - Overview; Text in German and English
Edition 2023-12

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95926-1

Guidelines for laying of hose assemblies - Part 1: Hose assemblies for refuelling and pipelines; Text in German and English
Edition 2019-10

Standards [CURRENT]

VG 95955-1

Hoses for fuelling and pipelines - Part 1: Pressure-hoses without helix Type D, PN 16; Texte in German and English
Edition 2010-08

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