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Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 61050/A1

Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V (generally called neon-transformers). General and safety requirements
Edition 1995-11

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 61050

Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1000 V (generally called neon-transformers). General and safety requirements
Edition 1992

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-5

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 5: Classification and specifications for flooring grade laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates
Edition 2016-05

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-6

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 6: Classification and specifications for Exterior-grade compact laminates of thickness 2 mm and greater
Edition 2016-05

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN ISO 7971-2

Cereals - Determination of bulk density, called mass per hectolitre - Part 2: Method of traceability for measuring instruments through reference to the international standard instrument (ISO 7971-2:2019)
Edition 2019-11

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 15534-4

Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 4: Specifications for decking profiles and tiles
Edition 2014-05

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 15534-5

Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 5: Specifications for cladding profiles and tiles
Edition 2014-05

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 438-3

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (usually called laminates) - Part 3: Classification and specifications for laminates less than 2 mm thick intended for bonding to supporting substrates
Edition 2016-07

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 15534-6+A1

Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 6: Specifications for fencing profiles and elements
Edition 2018-01

Standards [CURRENT]

SN EN 15534-1+A1

Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 1: Test methods for characterisation of compounds and products
Edition 2018-04

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