NA 132

DIN Standards Committee Shipbuilding and Marine Technology

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Projects of NA 132

Number: 206

ISO/AWI 25451 2024-12-23 Ships and marine technology - Technical guidelines for seafloor mapping with marine unmanned vehicle More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TS 25429 2024-12-12 Small Craft - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Test Methods and Requirements for Propulsion Systems and Electronic Sub-Assemblies More  Comment 
DIN 83227 2024-12-11 Stairs on seagoing vessels - Steps More  Comment 
DIN 83205 2024-12-11 Stairs and railings for engine rooms and boiler rooms in seagoing vessels - Railings More  Comment 
DIN 83226 2024-12-11 Mounted steps on board ships More  Comment 
ISO/AWI TR 25655 2024-12-05 Ships and marine technology - Development of standards for ship design More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 13297-2 2024-11-26 Small craft - Alternating and direct current installations of electrical systems - Part 2: Low voltage DC More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 25283-1 2024-11-26 Ships and marine technology - Ocean Negative Carbon Emissions and Carbon Neutrality (ONCE-CN) - Part 1: General guidelines and requirements More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 25419 2024-11-25 Ships and marine technology - Ship's mooring and towing fittings - Double cruciform bollards More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 25416 2024-11-25 Ships and marine technology - Jacking system appliance on self-elevating unit - Safety protection More  Comment