NA 041

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Ventilation Technology and their Safety

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Projects of NA 041

Number: 134

DIN EN 00247140 2024-08-20 Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 3: Functions (ISO 16484­3) More  Comment 
DIN EN 00107084 2024-08-16 District heating and district cooling pipes - Bonded single and twin pipe systems for directly buried hot and cold water networks - Qualification testing of fitter More  Comment 
DIN EN 00107086 2024-08-16 District heating and district cooling pipes - Bonded single and twin pipe systems for directly buried hot and cold water networks - Qualification testing of PE-Welder More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 14644-7 rev 2024-08-05 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 7: Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments) More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 41002 2024-08-05 Facility management - Development of the facility management organization More  Comment 
ISO/AWI 14644-7 2024-07-31 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Part 7: Separative devices (clean air hoods, gloveboxes, isolators and mini-environments) More  Comment 
DIN EN 12897-1 2024-07-29 Water supply - Indirectly heated unvented (closed) storage water heaters - Part 1: General specifications and common test methods More  Comment 
DIN EN 161/A1 2024-07-12 Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances More  Comment 
DIN EN 125+A1 2024-07-12 Flame supervision devices for gas burning appliances - Thermoelectric flame supervision devices; German version EN 125:2022+A1:2024 More  Comment 
DIN EN 16304+A1 2024-07-12 Automatic vent valves for gas burners and gas burning appliances; German version EN 16304:2022+A1:2024 More  Comment