NA 041

DIN Standards Committee Heating and Ventilation Technology and their Safety

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Projects of NA 041

Number: 135

DIN CEN/T? 00107100 2025-01-14 District heating and cooling systems - Supplementary information on usage of CEN/TC 107 documents More  Comment 
DIN EN 00107097 2024-12-16 District heating pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems - Joint casing systems More  Comment 
DIN CEN/T? 00247142 2024-10-31 Uniform method for calculating the CO2 footprint for powered building automation devices More  Comment 
DIN EN 15221-6 rev 2024-10-08 Facility Management - Part 6: Area and Space Measurement in Facility Management More  Comment 
DIN EN 15665 2024-09-12 Ventilation for buildings - Ventilation systems in residential buildings - Design; German and English version prEN 15665:2025 More  Comment 
DIN EN 15450 rev 2024-09-03 Heating systems in buildings - Design of heat pump heating systems More  Comment 
DIN EN ISO 16484-6 2024-09-03 Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 6: Data communication conformance testing (ISO/FDIS 16484-6:2024); English version prEN ISO 16484-6:2024 More  Comment 
DIN CEN/T? 00156304 2024-08-28 Ventilation for buildings - Ventilative cooling systems - Design More  Comment 
DIN CEN/T? 00156303 2024-08-26 Ventilation for buildings - Natural and hybrid ventilation systems in non-residential buildings - Design More  Comment 
DIN CEN/T? 00247139 2024-08-22 CHECKLIST OF COMPLIANCE of building automation with EPBD requirements More  Comment