NA 175

DIN Standards Committee for Organizational Processes

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Publications of NA 175

Number: 59

ISO 37001 2016-10 Standard Anti-bribery management systems - Requirements with guidance for use More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 37500 2014-11 Standard Guidance on outsourcing More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28004-2 2014-02 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 2: Guidelines for adopting ISO 28000 for use in medium and small seaport operations More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28004-3 2014-02 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 3: Additional specific guidance for adopting ISO 28000 for use by medium and small businesses (other than marine ports) More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28004-4 2014-02 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 - Part 4: Additional specific guidance on implementing ISO 28000 if compliance with ISO 28001 is a management objective More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 26000 2010-11 Standard Guidance on social responsibility More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28001 2007-10 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans - Requirements and guidance More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28004-1 ; ISO 28004-1:2012:2007-10 2007-10 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 More  Order from DIN Media
ISO 28003 2007-08 Standard Security management systems for the supply chain - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of supply chain security management systems More  Order from DIN Media