NA 087

DIN Standards Committee Railway

Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 15954-2
Railway applications - Track - Trailers and associated equipment - Part 2: General safety requirements; German version EN 15954-2:2013

Title (German)

Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Anhänger und zugehörige Ausstattung - Teil 2: Allgemeine Sicherheitsanforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15954-2:2013


This European Standard deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, common to trailers in accordance with EN 15954-1:2013, intended for construction, maintenance and/or inspection of the railway infrastructure, emergency rescue and recovery when they are used as intended by the manufacturer. It deals with the common hazards during transport, assembly and installation, commissioning, running on track, use - including setting, programming, and process changeover - operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and de-commissioning of the trailers. The responsible standardization committee is NA 987-00-02 UA "Gleisbaumaschinen und -geräte" ("Railway construction machines and equipment").

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 087-00-01-02 UA - Track construction and maintenance machines  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 256/SC 1/WG 5 - Track construction and maintenance machines  

Edition 2013-11
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 156.50 €
Table of contents


Anna Michaela Reinhard

Rolandstr. 4
34131 Kassel

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