Projekte von IEC/SC 86A

IEC 86A/1025/CD 2005-09-09 IEC 60794-2-40 Ed. 2.0: Optical Fibre Cables - Part 2-40: Indoor optical fibre cables - Family specification for A4 fibre cables Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/1011A/NP 2005-07-15 Comment received on 86A/1011/NP (IEC 60794-3-50 Optical fibre cables -Part 3-50 Outdoor Cables- Family specification for cables to be installed in high pressure gas pipes) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/1010/NP 2005-05-27 IEC 60794-3-40 Optical fibre cables - Part 3-40- Outdoor Cables- Sewer cables - Family specification for cables to be installed in storm and sanitary sewers Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/1011/NP 2005-05-27 IEC 60794-3-50 Optical fibre cables -Part 3-50 Outdoor Cables- Family specification for cables to be installed in high pressure gas pipes Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/1012/NP 2005-05-27 IEC 60794-3-60: Optical fibre cables- Part 3-60 Outdoor Cables- Drinking water pipe cables - Family specification for cables to be installed in drinking water pipes Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/916/CD 2004-04-30 Lichtwellenleiter - Teil 1-471: Messmethoden und Prüfverfahren - Makrobiegeverlust für Fasern der Kategorien A3 und A4 (IEC 86A/916/CD:2004) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/911/DC 2004-01-23 Call for comments/ proposals for amendment/ revision on publications coming up for review (and for experts for maintenance team) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/796A/CD 2002-05-31 IEC 60793-2-10 Ed 2.0: Part 2-10: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A1 multimode fibres Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/867/CD 2002-02-08 IEC 60794-3-50 Ed. 1: Optical fibre cables - Part 3-50: Outdoor cables - Family specification for microduct cabling for installation by blowing Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN 
IEC 86A/714A/NP 2001-07-13 Comments received on 86A/714/NP (IEC XXXXX - Guidance for the interpretation of OTDR backscattering traces) Mehr  Kontakt zu DIN